Alright, so, today I went to the gym after fighting a bunch of mad, crazy women at the VS bra sale... nno lie. And I just really wasn't feeling it. I think it was because I ate early and was hungry by the time I got there. So, I stretched (always a must), then did some abs- like 100iah crunches, and 20 minutes on the elipicle (spelling?) and 20 minutes on the bike. And I was out for lunch. FOOD TODAY: -1 bowl of cereal, Special K with some milk. -some pasta stuff -weight watchers popcile -an apple -ceaser salad -pizza
2 biscuits w/ strawberry jelly water lunch was leftovers from the night before fresh fruit a small quizno's turkey lite sandwich raspberry lemonade strawberries & cream smoothie 2 very small pieces of cake.
WORKOUT: legs stretching 35 minutes on eliptical 5ish minutes on the bike
Alright, so, today I went to the gym after fighting a bunch of mad, crazy women at the VS bra sale... nno lie. And I just really wasn't feeling it. I think it was because I ate early and was hungry by the time I got there. So, I stretched (always a must), then did some abs- like 100iah crunches, and 20 minutes on the elipicle (spelling?) and 20 minutes on the bike. And I was out for lunch.
-1 bowl of cereal, Special K with some milk.
-some pasta stuff
-weight watchers popcile
-an apple
-ceaser salad
1.4.07 (my birfday!)
cereal iw/ milk
grape juice
2 cheese enchelada's
rice, beans, guac
a taco
2 chicken fajitas, rice, sour cream, beans, chips, hot sauce, guac, tortillas, cheese
2 1/2rita/daq's
32 min on the eliptical
90 crunches
-cerreal w/ milk
-green apple
-turkey sandwich on wheat, lettus, tomato, pickles, cheese
-grilled chicken, carrots, baked potato (dry), steamed brocolli, biscuits, low-fat bannana pudding.
-helping James move
-haven't gone to the gym yet
2 biscuits w/ strawberry jelly
lunch was leftovers from the night before
fresh fruit
a small quizno's turkey lite sandwich
raspberry lemonade
strawberries & cream smoothie
2 very small pieces of cake.
35 minutes on eliptical
5ish minutes on the bike
Wendy's grilled chicken sandwich (minus 1 slice of bread, lettus & sauce), FF, Sprite
3 Chicken enchelda's, rice & beans
chips & salsa
a slice of raspberry cake
cleaning James' apt if you can count that?!? :-) & unpacking his new apt
it's been few days... I'm so not going to try an remember what I ate the last few days. lol... but yesterday:
not sure on food but WORKOUT:
arms, shoulders, back, and 15 minutes of cardio (I was tired!!!)
Special K w/ a banana
310 calorie gourmet pizza
200 calorie soup
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