I made them wash their hands before decorating but you know what happens when little kids get frosting on their hands... the same thing as when an adult gets frosting on their hands.. hehe :-P I feel everything is safe to eat! :-) (Sara H.!)Theboys working on decorating! Carrot Cake for James- his favorite!
Boys love playing on the WIi!
Jacob's Fictional Blogging:
(age 6)Jacob's Fictional Blogging:
Suinging on a chralin. Slids are piple. Piple are slids. Are we bugs? Do we have tvs?
(translation: Swinging on a trampoling. Slides are people. People are slides. Are we bugs? Do we have TVs?)
Andrew's Dictated Blogging:
(age 5)
I am going to sleep. I am driving a car. I am talking on the phone. I am typing something that I am going to school next year. I went to Jacob's house and I went to school.
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